‘Find out more.’
‘Be aware of the pitfalls of easy comparisons.’
3. ‘Avoid generalized or simplified statements.’
‘See religious and nonreligious traditions as diverse and dynamic.’
‘Be honest about the limits of our understanding.’”
Students Respond With Empathy and Respect”, Submitted by Sara Wicht on October
15, 2014. Posted on: Teaching Tolerance, A project of the Southern Poverty Law
Center, http://www.tolerance.org/blog/help-students-respond-empathy-and-respect
The whole article, the above is an
excerpt from, gives me hope for the future of our young people. You see, I worry about the generations behind
me given the direction of our culture and our world. There is an increase in bullying,
intolerance, and misunderstanding between all generations. Many people in our present culture, for a
variety of reasons, are becoming less tolerant, patient, and compassionate with
one another.
I am concerned about the tech savvy generations
because they are so formed by it. NPR
recently featured a report on people who spend so much time on Facebook that
they become addicted to it. The way you
find out if you are addicted to Facebook is by trying to go four days without
using it. Can you do this without
discomfort or stress? Increasing numbers
Our culture teaches that people should
get what they want now—no waiting, no patience.
Another NPR (yes, I listen to NPR regularly) report shared that people who
are too into their tech tend to have trouble being patient and compassionate with
people face to face. They can be patient
with people they are texting, instant messaging, etc. because they can cut them
some slack, heck they might be multitasking just like everyone else. But face-to-face, a person who communicates
primarily through IMs and texting can see the other person is not doing
something else and concludes that the person should be giving all of their
attention, and immediate responses in a face-to-face communication or perhaps. Patience, compassion, or consideration for
the other person are not part of the interaction.
In addition to tech, there is increased
polarization in our country. A recent
article in the Chicago Tribune (Washington Bureau by David Lauter on
10/22/2014) reports that people are choosing to only listen to people who are
similar to them. If you love Fox News,
you are probably a political conservative, and you only hang with people who
are political conservatives. Increasing
numbers of people are un-friending people who are different from them and
increasing numbers are only listening to news that supports their views. So why is this a problem? With polarization
comes more prejudice, misunderstanding, and an unwillingness to work with someone
who is different from you. “Compromise”
becomes a bad word because it means giving in to a different group. Finding out more, being aware of pitfalls and
easy comparisons, avoiding generalizations or simplified statements, seeing
religious and nonreligious traditions as diverse and dynamic, and being honest
about the limits of our understanding are much less likely to happen. Why find out more, if you are getting your
opinions from a “trusted source.” Why be
aware of the pitfalls of easy comparisons, when everything is black or white,
liberal and conservative, gay or straight, Christian or non-Christian? How can we avoid generalizations or
simplified statements when that is all we are being fed?
My concern for our culture, our country,
and even our world, is that the combination of a lack of empathy, compassion
and patience combined with the increased polarization, points us in a direction
that will result in less getting accomplished in government, work, and even socially
with more conflict due to lack of a willingness to work together. Like any muscle empathy, compassion, and
patience grow stronger with regular use.
I worry that today’s lack of willingness will become tomorrow’s lack of
ability due to simple atrophy.
Atrophy-apathy-will cause us to become a less humane society.
I am concerned, yet I am also hopeful because
there are groups trying to teach people how to dialogue with empathy and
patience. But there is plenty of work
for all of us as we seek to foster a culture of respect. Being willing to engage with people who are
different from us is a great first step.
Supporting efforts like Teaching Tolerance is another. Remember: “You may be one, but still you are
one. You cannot do everything, but still
you can do something. And because you
cannot do everything, do not refuse to do the something that you can do.” (adapted from an affirmation written by
Edward Everett Hale) We each must do the
something we can do to foster empathy, compassion, and tolerance in our world.