Taken from Reverend Tom's October 2015 Newsletter Article
Mason Cooley, Professor of English and
American aphorist said “Transcendence is something between a metaphor and a
miracle.” I share this story as a reflection on that quote.
As many of you know, I was a psychotherapist before
coming to ministry. As a
psychotherapist, I met
many people, all struggling with something—emotional issues, relationship
issues, hallucinations, delusions, suicidal or homicidal ideations. Throughout this time, I heard from people,
both patients and mental health professionals, things that I could not
understand but generally took in stride.
Often I wondered if what I was hearing from people were metaphors, not
reality, made up somehow in their own minds.
I have learned to be open to other people’s worldviews. And I try to keep my heart open by hearing
another person’s truth
my wife, often said to me during this time, “Nothing phases you,” I suppose because
I had heard so much—from people who expressed conspiracy theories of the
government watching through tape recorders implanted in their brains to people
threatening to kill me because I encouraged their wife to leave their abusive
marriage--and empathically felt so much—from out of control to rage to
paralyzing depression--from the people I treated and worked with.
have the ability to talk to and relate to people, even those in the depths of
psychosis. I didn’t question their view
of reality; instead, I sought to understand their view of reality. Given the many and varied experiences that
other people shared with me while I was a psychotherapist, I have learned to be
open to other people’s worldviews. And I
try to keep my heart open when hearing another person’s truth.
I thought I knew how the
Universe Works
there was one time in my thirty years of practice when I was knocked to my
knees and brought to tears by a patient under my treatment. On that one day I experienced something that
shook my view of the world and even my understanding of what I thought I knew
about how the universe works.
The Story of Alex
ease of relating (and to protect privacy), I’ve chosen a gender-neutral
pseudonym for the patient. I had been
treating Alex in my outpatient practice until Alex became suicidal, so I had Alex
transferred from my office to a psychiatric hospital.
couple days later I went to visit Alex in the hospital. The nurse told me that they had just heavily
sedated Alex because Alex had become so agitated that day that Alex had begun head-pounding
against a wall; however, at the moment, Alex was still up, alert.
and I had been considering the use of hypnosis to help Alex in recalling
incidents from the past that Alex felt were causing the suicidal
ideations. I felt Alex was safe within
the hospital, so I agreed to try some hypnosis.
Alex quickly slipped into a deep trance, which surprised me, since we
had never tried hypnosis before.
Then Alex began to talk to me with a
different voice. A totally
different voice, not a variation of Alex’s same voice. Alex also was beginning to show certain tics
and mannerisms I had not seen in Alex in the year or so we had been working
together. At first I was confused, then Alex
told me to call Alex by a different name (Taylor).
said that Taylor was in control of Alex and of all the people inside Alex. Taylor could control which person inside
received the medication that the doctor prescribed and could assign physical
symptoms to the people inside Alex. Taylor
went on to say that Alex was actually a very fragile person and the person who
had faced most of the abuse while their body was growing older. Toward the end of the session, Taylor told me
that there were 24 different persons living within Alex.
I was in way, way over my head. I felt I had stepped into a movie: the Exorcist
or the Three Faces of Eve or Sybil. I
left the room shaken to my core, fighting back tears. Was I so wrong in my understanding of the
universe; could my assumptions about what was “real” be reduced to what simply
was my perception of “real”? Could a
person change their physiology? Could
different personalities or persons within a person take over their body? Could medications be ingested by the body but
only affect one part (or personality) of a fractured psyche?
felt as if the Matrix’s Morpheus had said to me, “You take the blue pill and
the story ends. You wake up in your bed
and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep
the rabbit hold goes.”
Accepting the Truth of
Others’ Realities and Experiences
I consulted
with many of my colleagues shortly thereafter; half believed what I had experienced-a
patient with multiple personality disorder-was real and the other half
completely disbelieved multiple personalities were possible. I embarked on a journey of exploration to make
sense of what I had experienced and to find a way to help Alex.
There are some things in this Universe that cannot be completely
I cannot tell you today if I understand completely everything that occurred while
I worked with Alex, but I can say I now take even less for granted. I am much more open to the truths of whatever
I experience and much more accepting of the realities and truths others tell me
they experience.
has given me a clearer sense of how the universe works and offers me a
systematic, rational, fact-based lexicon with which and by which I am able to
grapple with the workings of the Universe.
But after my experiences with Alex, I also believe that there are some
things in this Universe that cannot be completely explained.
Rev. Tom
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